Breaking free: learning how to let go.

November 24, 2024

Some think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go. 

Let’s get emotional, emotional. (Olivia Newton-John fans will understand)   Letting go can be a very emotional and vulnerable thing.  My life revolved around holding onto things and not letting go.  I would harbor anything that has happened to me, talk about it over and over again (people who know me know that I tend to do that), and struggle with letting it go- letting what had happened go; I was slowly destroying my mental health. 

It wasn’t until my mid-thirties that I realized what I could and could not control. I cannot control any outcome in any situation, whether good or bad, but I can control my emotions and how I handle myself. It also wasn’t until my mid-thirties that I started practicing better self-care and healing through forgiveness of myself and my past. 

When we let it go, we let it end, we let it hurt, we let it heal. Let’s view it as a visitor. Let it come, let it stay for a while, and then L E T I T G O. The longer we entertain what’s not for us, the longer we postpone what is. When we harbor things that have happened (good or bad) or let a situation visit for too long in our minds, we are postponing our potential. We are preventing things from happening and not allowing our minds to move on. 

Surrendering our negative spirals, overthinking, and anger will allow us to open ourselves up to emotional freedom and peace of mind. 

I will share some tips that have helped me let it go:

  • Forgive-forgiveness is a compelling thing.

  • Gratitude- shows gratitude for the present and lets go.

  • Adjust your mindset- recognize when to shift the negative to a positive. 

  • Embrace- embracing the learning opportunity when we make mistakes. 

  • Breathing- Breathwork is always essential when dealing with big emotions. 

  • Support- Seek out and build your support system.

  • You take care of yourself.-Your self-care is necessary to ensure we are striving for our goals. 

Commit to yourself every day to do the work. Look deeper into ourselves and take responsibility for what is within. Learn to observe emotions in the moment and respond appropriately without reacting. Let’s rid our subconscious of holding onto the pain, let go of what does not serve us anymore, and be mindful of what we feel and who we are when we are not letting go. 

                   Sometimes, letting things go is an act of far greater power than hanging on. 

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